Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


From: Morgan Timothy

To: Hunter

Subject: I sent the message again

Have you been able to confirmed the last letter or you want me to re-send ?

From: Hunter

To: Morgan Timothy

Subject: Re:I sent the message again

I have not received the previous letter, no. You may resend it if you so desire.

From: Morgan Timothy

To: Hunter

Subject: I sent the message again

Mr. Morgan Timothy
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Give-out.
Distribution Manager


Congratulations once more, this message was re-directed to you since you didn't received our first notification. Our distributional strength and reputation comes from our ability to fully understand the broader secure requirements of an assignee and the key procedure that need to be taken to ensure fast and legal process that is not contrary to your country policy subsequently. As a preferred and concerned clearance office for this donation to a range of specify winner involve to undergo secure payment of $ 3,200,000.00 USD (Three Million, and two hundred thousand dollars.

The funds benefit is part of the donation made by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal donating his entire $32 billion fortune, announced on 1st of July 2015.

As you were earlier informed, in our previous email message, attached to this message is the original copy of your certificate for payment. indicating your benefit of $ 3,200,000.00 USD (Three Million, and two hundred thousand dollars). Be rest assured that your Benefit funds will get to you sooner than expected. Payment are to be distributed by Bill and Melinda Gate foundation United State Of America to 72 assignee. You have emerge an assignee to this funds through a global screening exercise location search online terminal.


1 Basic Details
Full Names:
Favorite Color:
Date Of Birth:
Place Of Birth:

2 Contact Information
Phone Number:
House Address:
Current City:

3 Beneficiary Payment Code
Payment #: 0940-3994-5589
Certificate Number: 360452
Benefit Pin: 31090572

4 Work Details
Work Address:
Type Of Job:
Annual Income:

5 Secure Identification
A scanned copy of any valid Identification Document (international passport/driver's license/identification card)


Privacy and Security
We will never share your personal details with any third party


Upon receiving the above required information, to match what we already have in our records to make sure we are dealing with the right beneficiary, You will re-directed to the payment section where your funds payment of $ 3,200,000.00 USD will be authorized for payout.


Security team alert:
You are highly advised to keep all information connecting
your claims confidential until your money gets to you safely.


Warm Regards
Mr. Morgan Timothy

Distribution Manager
Commerce Statistics Area,
Post Office Box 61480, New Orleans,
Louisiana 70161, United State Of America,
Head Branch in New York
Phone Number: +1 3158882131

From: Hunter

To: Morgan Timothy

Subject: Re:I sent the message again

Dear Mr. Morgan Timothy,

Thank you for your email.

In the interest of transparency, I must confess something. I did not understand a single god damn sentence of your reply. Having said that, as I was maneuvering through your word salad, I came across the phrase “[…] your benefit of $ 3,200,000.00 USD”. From this I was able to discern you are a generous, kind, honourable, and trustworthy man.

There is a slight problem going forward, however, which is incidentally also the reason it took me so long to respond to your email. For you see, I am currently on the run. I shan't bore you with the details - unless you decide this to be pertinent information in lieu of our impending transaction - but in short, I attempted to orchestrate an... incident... on the Indo-Pakistani border - you know, to see what happens - but one of my former colleagues defected and exposed my plans to both governments' intelligence agencies. Needless to say, they were non too pleased. My mercenaries were arrested and revealed my identity as the orchestrator of the incident while my Plutonium enrichment facility was raided and shut down.

In light of all this, the money in question would really come in handy, as I desperately need the funds to try again. Of course, from what I have written, you may have already surmised that I will not be able to provide all the information you require, but I shall try my best.

1. Basic Details:
Full Names: Hunter Kingsley Armstrong
Favorite Color: Red (although I don't see the necessity of this)
Date Of Birth: March 20th 1923
Place Of Birth: Pyongyang

2. Contact Information
This is where it gets tricky. As I said, I am currently on the run, so we will iron this out in subsequent emails.

3. Beneficiary Payment Code
This one is also somewhat problematic as I would be required to forge a non-trivial amount of documentation. We will probably have to decide on an alternative method of asset transfer, such as cash or bearer bonds. But this can be decided at a later date.

4. Work Details
I am currently unemployed (obviously).

5. Secure Identification
Unfortunately, I have no such documentation. I left it all behind as I fled my country of birth.

I look forward to your reply and - hopefully - a start of a fruitful professional relationship - dare I say friendship.

With best regards,

From: Morgan Timothy

To: Hunter

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