Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


From: Dr. Elizabeth Henning.

To: Tom

Subject: Notification Email.



Your e-mail address has won $2million for 2021 Microsoft Award. Serial
numbers MDB/002 0869958/09 Contact (ADVOCATE FRANKLIN EDWARD)
immediately; through his email address ( or
phone number +27736394004 and forward him your Winning
No.(19-45-87-36-76-38(77), to redeem your winning prize, All
participants were selected randomly from Worldwide Web site through
computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 email addresses
of companies and Individuals.

Dr. Elizabeth Henning.

Copyright © 2021 Microsoft! Inc. All rights reserved.

From: Tom

To: Franklin Edward

Subject: RE:Notification Email.


I am here to claim what is rightfully mine. Details in the forwarded message.

You have seven days to comply… or else.

Best regards,

* * *

Forwarded message:



Your e-mail address has won $2million for 2021 Microsoft Award. Serial
numbers MDB/002 0869958/09 Contact (ADVOCATE FRANKLIN EDWARD)
immediately; through his email address ( or
phone number +27736394004 and forward him your Winning
No.(19-45-87-36-76-38(77), to redeem your winning prize, All
participants were selected randomly from Worldwide Web site through
computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 email addresses
of companies and Individuals.

Dr. Elizabeth Henning.

Copyright © 2021 Microsoft! Inc. All rights reserved.

From: Franklin Edward

To: Tom

Subject: RE:Notification Email.

PHONE: +27-73-639-4004.
FAX: +27-86-514-2678

Dear ,

Congratulation, you are qualified and selected as one of our lucky winners with the Winning Number:  19-45-87-36-76-38(77), REF. NUMBERS: MDB/929/09 and SERIAL NUMBERS: MDB/002 0869958/09, FILL OUT THE WINNERS VERIFICATION FORM BELOW: And return it back to us to enable us process your winning prize, Please you are advised to complete the form and return it back to us immediately to enable us process your winning prize.

1. Your full names.............................................

2. Gender .............................................

3. Your address.............................................

4. Your country.............................................

5. Nationality.............................................

6. Your fax.............................................

7. Home phone number.............................................

8. Mobile phone number.............................................

9. Occupation.............................................

10. Your age.............................................

Once again congratulations from Microsoft Corporation South Africa
Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners may result to disqualification. You are to keep all lotto information away from the general public especially your lucky numbers:  and your ref. numbers (This is important as a case of double claims will not be entertained).

Advocate Franklin Edward,
Attorney at Law.

From: Tom

To: Franklin Edward

Subject: RE:Notification Email.

Dear Mr. Edward,

you have successfully passed my punctuality test. You shall be spared for now.

Do not presume to tell me I must "complete the form". I have sliced people to bite-sized pieces and fed them to my hounds for much more inconsequential transgressions. You also dare say I must "return it back to [you] immediately". I have dissolved people in acid and discarded their remains in their hometown's local water supply for far more trivial infractions. I would strongly advise you refrain from testing my patience. I shall or shall not complete the form at the time and place of my choosing.

Anyway, please find the responses to your invasive form below:

Your full names: Thomas Connor Larson
Gender: Male
Your address: 4041 Quarry Drive, Alabama, 36703
Your country: United States of America
Nationality: American
Your fax: Who uses fax in this day and age? Wait... are you not from Microsoft? Does Microsoft still use fax machines?!
Home phone number: I do not have a home telephone.
Mobile phone number: I do not use wireless devices.
Occupation: Retired
Your age: 96

Lastly, you insist I "keep all lotto information away from the general public". There are mass graves still being discovered today of people who have demanded far less of me. And while I may be very old and those days far behind me, do not make the mistake of assuming I am not one to revisit an old classic.

You have ten days to send the money.


From: Franklin Edward

To: Tom

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