Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

Subject: Business Proposal

Hello My Dear

How are you today? i will like to be kind and honest with you,i am a woman that have seen life, i have been in the social circle for many years, although it does not matter one's age, color or achievement, what matters in our life is your kindness to humanity

Dear,i believe that is the most important thing in life, I had been hardworking all my life, i must think of something better, to enjoy my life and probably have a family ,maybe relocate and start investing in other things, Anyway i will like to tell you more about me, My name is Miss Nikita Patrick, am from France,i was born in France, And i left France at Age of 12 Years to United Arab Emirates, which to the glory of God Am working as an Senior Audit/banker in Dubai Islamic Bank Plc United Arab Emirates, is very painful i lost my only daughter at age of 4 years,

i was married but my Ex Husband got married to another woman, which caused our divorce, but is ok that is life for you, since he accused me of been so busy due to my bank work activities as accounting/auditing, that i was not having time for him and our kids before she passed away, but he refused to understand that i was pursing a goal, i told him that soon i will resign and we will have enough time for each other but he was impatient, although is over between us,I am happy alone because I have everything i need,This is why I think of relocating to another country to get into investment and maybe own a small company which i can be able to manage on my own, Please would you tell me more about yourself too? I like to know more about you for me to know if we can achieve this goal together, your marital status and your country of origin I will be glad to hear from you soon

Yours Faithful

From: Curunír

To: Nikita Patrick

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Dear Nikita,

You have done well in contacting me.

First and foremost, I notice it must have been many a year since your last encounter with western civilization. Have you had any contact with our societies - that are by all conceivable standards equal to that of the country of your current residence (as I am now contractually obligated to say) - you would have realized the grievous offense your suggestions have caused. For I must hereby inform you, madam, that it is presently considered a great sin to suggest that "one's age [and] color" do not matter. The erasure of historical structural oppression of aforementioned marginalized groups and voices your statements perpetuate concerns me greatly. But we can discuss this another time.

I am pleased to hear that you have found such high calling as working for a bank to the glory of God. Indeed, as many may attest, I have claimed numerous times that if only more financial institutions were to be centralized in the hands of those truly humbled by the grace of God, our world would be in better standing today. In fact, I hear that in your corner of the world a certain group committed to just such a project - among other, somewhat unpleasant things - has emerged about two years ago. I hear their efforts are progressing rather well. But I digress.

Finally, I must confess that I am not surprised that your husband getting married to another woman caused you to divorce him. I myself have never faced a similar ordeal, but I can imagine the awkwardness that must have caused at, say, the dinner table, let alone - if I may be so crass - in your bedchambers. Personally, however, I am of the opinion that your husband's sudden commitment to polygamy was a somewhat extreme demonstration of his displeasure. Alas, we all have our vices.

Speaking of vices, you could not have picked a better time to get in touch. For you see, I actually run a somewhat successful business, yet now I face an oncoming storm. I received a call from my lawyer the other day informing me that the Ministry of Finance in the country I reside in is considering a full audit of my business. Apparently, it strikes them as curious that an antique book shop's third fiscal quarter of 2016 would record a revenue of $17 billion and profits of $6,5 billion. Needless to say, the allegations thrown my way are, of course, ridiculous. And I will fight this in court if it comes to that. However, if the audit were to actually take place, I would be in dire need of an experienced auditor to help me... smooth over some hypothetical... improprieties.

As for my marital status, I was supposed to be getting married come June next year, but I am willing to entertain competing offers. I'm not entirely sold on my fiancé, to be perfectly honest. So if you are interested, let me know.

In any case, it has been a pleasure and I look forward to continuing our conversation.

With best regards,

From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

My Dear,

i must thank you once again for your humble reply to my mail. I really appreciate it so much and i am very happy to read from you, well from your response i'm convinced that the future has a special place for us, if only we could trust each other and also be honest and faithful to each other as well.

Like i told you earlier, i was looking forward to accomplish a particular mission, which my ''ex'' husband was unlucky to achieve with me, I think with the little you have told me about you, it would be very wise to disclose this secret to you and also tell you my aim and plan. Because it would be of mutual benefit to us and maybe you could be the right person to utilize the opportunity with me, because i believe our knowing each other is the way God have destined it.

Remember i told you i am an Auditor of my bank and also the Chief of the International Relation Foreign Remittance Unit. Prior to my position here at my bank, i have the opportunity to loot out some amount of money of a deceased customer, whose autopsy result showed that he died as a result of gun shorts by unknown gunmen. As i was her personal accountant officer, before he died and from the account opening records, he did not indicate anybody as his beneficiary next of kin. Since 2008 to date, nobody has come forward as his beneficiary next of kin to administer the fund. The amount in question is the total sum of $:14.500,000. (Fourteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand USD).

I can provide all the required legal papers from the Arabic Court to present you as the legal beneficiary to these funds if you would accept to partner with me in this deal.A lot of abandoned money lay around in this bank as a result of abandoned bank accounts, stock holdings, unclaimed life insurance pay-outs and forgotten pension benefits.I will definitely give you comprehensive details on how we would achieve this legally, without going against the laws of the country.

Once you reply to me indicating your interest to work with me. I have worked with the bank for several years and have taken time to study the Arabic inheritance claims procedures. I would appreciate it if you would treat this issue with every bit of confidentiality and maturity, putting my integrity foremost, because i wouldn't need any mistakes or regrets. I assure you that you will never regret it if you would take the bold step to partner with me in this deal. It would be wise ifwe make every effort not to loose this golden opportunity. This happens in every bank around the world, even in your own country, but people outside the banking industry do not know this.

The fund will be shared at the ratio of 58% for me, 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and tax in your bank, We will use the fund there in your country to build companies and for investment which both of us would manage, Please this is an honest request for you and i.
I only plead for you to make this transaction a top secret because we do not have to trust anybody unless you and i alone.

Please treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information(s) for further application for this transfer if you are interested.

  1. Full Name,
  2. Address
  3. Identification copy
  4. Nationality
  5. Age

Thanks and best regards

Yours Faithful Nikita,

From: Curunír

To: Nikita Patrick

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Dear Nikita,

Not only has your reply offended me deeply, you have woefully misjudged my goodwill and the extent of my charitable nature. You are about to discover I will not be so easily manipulated.

Allow me to elaborate.

The 58/40 split of funds you proposed is unabashedly supercilious. And not only do you clearly take me for a fool, but you are stunningly brazen. So brazen, in fact, that you have in the very same insolent email just casually admitted to a felony. To quote from your reply:

Prior to my position here at my bank, i have the opportunity to loot out some amount of money of a deceased customer, whose autopsy result showed that he died as a result of gun shorts by unknown gunmen. [sic]

I may not know much about your country, but I would be astonished to discover that looting isn't a crime in UAE. Regardless, I am reasonably certain your superiors at "Dubai Islamic Bank Plc United Arab Emirates" would be none too pleased to hear of your audacious misdeeds. I can only imagine the severity of the punishment a country under Sharia law would inflict upon an embezzler were they to catch wind of their transgressions...

In light of all this, allow me to propose a revised counter-offer:

  1. You shall relinquish your claim to the money you surreptitiously acquired from the deceased and transfer the funds in their entirety directly to my personal account. You shall cover all the expenses of this endeavor out of your own pocket.
  2. You claim that "a lot of abandoned money lay around in this bank [sic]". You shall determine the exact number of the accounts and the amount of money - in aggregate - they contain and report your findings to me.
  3. You shall acquire access to an account of my choosing every month (so as to avoid suspicion). I shall leave the logistics of this undertaking to your discretion.
  4. From each of those accounts you shall transfer an amount equal to 90% of the total sum to my personal account. The remaining 10% of the total sum shall cover your operating costs. You may keep what remains.
  5. These demands are not negotiable. You have exactly three days to accept them. If you fail to do so, I will personally contact the senior managers at your organization as well as the authorities in UAE and alert them to your evildoing. Should you feel inclined to test my resolve, do so at your own peril.

In exchange for accepting my demands, I am going spare you from the terrible fate that surely awaits you were your infringements to be unearthed. Beware, however, that these demands are only the beginning. Your life is now in my hands and I can all but end it with a single telephone call if I so please. A day may come when I may ask for a favor. And you better pray to whatever god you purport to believe in that you are able to deliver when the time arrives.

But I am not a heartless man. I will grant one of your wishes pertaining to these matters: I shall honor your repeated requests for confidentiality. I get the feeling you shall do the same.

Best regards,

From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Please treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information(s) for further application for this transfer if you are interested.

  1. Full Name,
  2. Address
  3. Identification copy
  4. Nationality
  5. Age

Thanks and best regards

Yours Faithful

From: Curunír

To: Nikita Patrick

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Dear Nikita,

I will interpret this reply as a submission to my earlier demands and presume you require this information so as to properly submit to your new master. But beware! If I discover this is not in fact the reason for your inquiry, your life as you know it is forfeit.

1. Full name: I prefer Curunír or Curumo, as they used to call me in Valinor, but I am known throughout Ennor as The White Wizard, Saruman the White, Sharkey, and Saruman of Many Colours.

2. Address: I reside in Orthanc, the great tower of Angrenost, in the valley of Nan Curunír, the southernmost valley of the Hithaeglir, at the foot of mount Methedras, in the lands of Calenardhon in Ennor.

3. Identification copy: I know not of what you speak, but I ratiocinate you wish to behold my likeness. I have not the means to reveal myself to you as you do not possess a Palantír. For this reason, my portrait shall have to suffice:

4. Nationality: I serve no mortal king. To the contrary! When Mithrandir's mind finally breaks and he reveals to me the location of The One (as is inevitable; no one escapes the confines of Orthanc) all the peoples of Ennor shall bend to my will and they shall be the ones serving me!

5. Age: It has been many millennia since anyone inquired about my age... The answer to this would be incomprehensible to your feeble mind, so I shall answer it thusly: I arrived to Ennor in the year 1000 of the Third Age and I have been Saruman the Wise for 2019 years.

I trust your thirst for information stands quenched.

Best regards,

From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Hello Dear

How are you doing together with your family, I hope all is well ? here is my phone number +971526069374

NOTE do not call me, you can SMS me, Because Bank set security to monitor every member of the Bank due to our banking rule and regulation

Kindly make sure that this information will be between you and me until we actualized the success of this transaction, What i want you to do now is to apply for the release of the fund into your account, Make sure you keep a top secret of this transaction because i don't want any staff of the bank to know that i am responsible for this transaction This is where i lay the future survival hope of our future, and it was the reason I tried to explain for your best understanding

You should not change your name and nationality in this transaction because you are going to apply as the business partner to the deceased customer Note, if you send this letter to the bank, the bank will not delay to contact you, but you should not respond back to the bank until i direct you on what to do

This is to avoid mistake from your part , See the official letter below, send it through to the bank through the bank email address of the bank as follows.

Bank Details

Dubai Islamic Bank of United Arab Emirates Plc
Chief Executive Officer, Dr.Adnan Chilwan,
Address PO Box 12461 Villa,78Jumeira Beach Road,Jumeira Area,
Phone +971558626259
Bank Email

Immediately this fund is transferred into your account, then i will obtain visa to your country for the disbursement of the fund according to my proposal ratio, Immediately you apply update me that you have sent the letter to the bank.

My best regard to you and your family,

Your Faithful Nikita,



Dubai Islamic Bank of United Arab Emirates Plc
Chief Executive Officer, Dr.Adnan Chilwan,
Address PO Box 12461 Villa,78Jumeira Beach Road,Jumeira Area,
Phone +971558626259
Bank Email


Sir / Madam,

I am ............ the business partner to Late Mr Mahmoud Adama, who was assassinated on January 13, 2008 when Gun men shot him while still inside the capital Libya, Tripoli

After his funeral celebration, i discovered that he have an unclaimed and balance account Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($14.5 Million) deposited in your bank when he was alive.

I hereby wish to bring to your notice that i am eager to apply for the funds claim as his business partner to enable your bank release and transfer his balance account of ($ 14.5 Million) into my nominated bank account,

Upon your urgent response to this effect, I will send you my bank account information for the transfer of the above mentioned sum

So i expect that your bank management will pay an urgent attention to my request and communicate to me further with the related forms and documents necessary to claim this above mentioned sum without delay.

I apologize for late application for this claim as i have been arranging other things left since his sudden death occurred.

Yours sincerely,

From: Curunír

To: Nikita Patrick

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Dear Nikita,

Regretfully, I am not doing all that well. You may recall me telling to you the authorities were threatening to audit my business? Well. I attempted to resist the order by legal means, however the judiciary rejected my motion due to a clerical error by my attorney who shortly after suffered a dreadful fate in a traffic accident, God rest his soul. I managed to postpone the audit, due to a mysterious disappearance of several auditors assigned to my case, the police commissioner's recent corruption scandal, the tragic plane crash involving the judge assigned to my case, and the truly heartbreaking suicide of our Secretary of Finance. In spite of all this, the state seems relentlessly committed to pursuing my legal case. As a taxpayer, I find it appalling how the authorities in this country seem to be so fixated on an innocent book shop owner, all the while wholly ignoring this immeasurable amount of tragedy.

But enough about my troubles. Let us discuss yours.

In light of this, allow me to once again express my disdain over the allegations your unseemly crafted sentences appear to imply. Consider the following:

You should not change your name and nationality in this transaction because you are going to apply as the business partner to the deceased customer [sic]

I do declare! The very idea that you would think me such a charlatan... To believe I would be so utterly lacking in proper etiquette and decorum, to perceive me as so altogether bereft of sincerity and transparency... You wound me, madam!

And yet, despite all this, I was willing to forgive your faux pas. I was willing to subside my anguish, to put aside my bruised selfdom and gracefully accept your unconditional submission, as has previously been discussed. But then, just as my loyal manservant brought me a cup of chamomile tea with a hint of diazepam, I was shaken to my very core once again as I stumbled upon this prosaic dagger:

Immediately this fund is transferred into your account, then i will obtain visa to your country for the disbursement of the fund according to my proposal ratio [sic]

A deep, unrelenting sadness fell over me as these words came to occupy my thoughts. Why, I thought to myself, do people deem it acceptable to disobey my demands? Yet I quickly perished the thought, for I have treaded these waters before and knew they would yield no further clarity. Nevertheless, as I pulled myself from these depths of melancholy, I realized this brief spiritual journey of mine was not altogether fruitless, as it had strengthened my resolve.

My mind is now clear. There remains no room for interpretation. You have chosen to rebel. So be it.

As I type this email, my butler is in the process of informing the CEO of your banking group of your illicit activities, whereas my maid has already contacted the UAE authorities who, as you may be interested to hear, were aghast at your deplorable corruption.

As you read my reply - and it may indeed be the last thing you ever read, if what they say of UAE in the newspapers is any indication - reflect upon your life. Think about the life you could have led had you capitulated. Doubtlessly, my requests may have been somewhat demanding and complying may well have proven stressful and difficult. But I can't help but wonder, would your yielding to me not be preferable to an Islamic prison? Well, I suppose your rebellion is answer enough.

Regardless, enjoy the rest of your days.

Best regards,

From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Hello Dear,if you did not send me your information i will not write to you again ok.

From: Curunír

To: Nikita Patrick

Subject: Re:Business Proposal

Dear Nikita,

Or should I say... Ahmed.

That's correct. I know who you are. Did you really think I would be so gullible as to believe this email was actually from Nikita, an incarcerated woman with no access to the Internet?

Now, Ahmed - may I call you Michael? Michael, this matter does not concern you. Your employers must have given you access to Nikita's computer and perhaps you thought this email chain was some unfinished business she started on behalf of your bank. You are mistaken. This was a private matter between your former colleague and I, Michael, and I would advise it remain that way.

I believe it was Friedrich Nietzsche who wrote: "If thou gaze [long] into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." Take these words to heart, Michael. There is no need to succumb to curiosity and look beyond the veil.

Rather, focus on, say, your family matters. I hear your son is applying for a prestigious university next year. You must be so proud, Michael. I can't even imagine how devastating it would feel were his application rejected for no discernible reason. All the hard work, the sleepless nights, the sweat and tears, nullified by a piece of paper. One shudders at the thought.

Well, in any case, good luck at your new post, Michael. I wish you well.

Best regards,

From: Nikita Patrick

To: Curunír

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