Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


From: Dr. Peter H. Franz

To: F****

Subject: Dragi F****

Dragi F****

Sem Dr.Peter H Franz, vodja revizije in računovodstva Prudent Trust Bank Združene države Amerike. Pri naši banki smo imeli tujega kupca gospod Paul F****, ki je zasebni pogodbenik in investitor pri CEET (Združena država Amerike). Imel je depozit v višini 17,5 milijona ameriških dolarjev).

Ko sem spremljal ta depozit in ga upravljal kot njegov pooblaščeni račun pred njegovo smrtjo, zato se od takrat nihče ni prikazal kot naslednik, prosim za vaše soglasje, da vas kot naslednika predložite pokojniku, tako da bo izkupiček z njegovega računa se vam lahko nakaže.

Takoj ko bom slišal od vas več podrobnosti in mi jih vrnite tukaj, pošljite e-pošto,

Lep pozdrav,
Dr.Peter H Franz

From: F****

To: Dr. Peter H. Franz

Subject: RE:Dragi F****


kvalitetno ste vstopili v kontakt z mano.

Morda nismo bil osebno spoznanstven z gospo Paul F****om, vendar gledajoč na, to, da mi se dozdeva, da imajo isto zadnjeime kot jaz, iz tega izhaja, da sva v 100% sorodstveno.

Prosim, obvestitev, katere korake naj naredim jaz vnaprej?

Lepši pozdrav,

From: Dr. Peter H. Franz

To: F****

Subject: Podedovanje

****** F****

Najlepša hvala za vaš odziv in zanimanje za to transakcijo.

Preden nadaljujem, se moram najprej opravičiti za to nezaželeno pismo. Zavedam se, da to zagotovo ni konvencionalen način pristopa k vzpostavljanju zaupniškega odnosa, vendar boste spoznali potrebo po mojem ukrepanju.

pravzaprav sem dobil vaše kontaktne podatke v mednarodni javni evidenci "Kdo je kdo", medtem ko sem iskal priimek, podoben mojemu poznemu naročniku g. Paul F****, izseljenca / izvajalca, ki je dolga leta delal v Indoneziji, umrl decembra 2013 kot posledica srčnega popuščanja.

Ker mi je računska pisarna gospodu pooblastila, da predložim vsakega družinskega dediča / dedovalca za zahtevke, preden se depozit zapleni, ker banka ni zahtevala nobenega depozita, zato sem se odločil, da poiščem katerega od sorodnikov moje pokojne stranke, ki mi je bil zelo težaven saj v uradnih časopisnih delih, ki so pri meni, ni prijavil nobene druge osebe, naslova, partnerja ali sorodnikov.

Glede na to, vam predlagam, da bi vas rad predstavil g. Paul F**** kot naslednjega, tako da vam bodo navedena sredstva izplačana, saj ne morem nobenega od njegovih družinskih članov ali sorodnikov dobiti pridite in navedite zgornje trditve.

Telefonska številka .....
Državljanstvo ......................
Poklic ........

Čakam na vaš hitri odgovor.

Lep pozdrav

From: Dr. Peter H. Franz

To: F****

Subject: Podedovanje

****** F****

Thank you very much for your response and your interest in this transaction.

Before I proceed, I must first apologize for this unsolicited letter to you. I am aware that this is certainly not a conventional way of approach to establish a relationship of trust, but you will realize the need for my action.

actually,I got your contact information through the International Public Record `WHO IS WHO` while searching for a last name similar to my Late client Mr.Paul F****, an expatriate / contractor who worked in Indonesia for many years, he died December, 2013 as a result of heart failure.

As the account office sir bank have mandated me to present any family heir/inheritor for claims before the deposit gets confiscated as none claimed deposit by the bank ,so I decided to search for any of my late client's relative which has been very difficult for me as he did not declare any other person, address, partner or relatives in the official paper works that is with me .

Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that i will like to present you as the next of kin to Mr.Paul F****, so that the above funds will be released to you since i can not get any of his family members or relatives to come and make the above claims.

Telephone Number .....

Waiting for your urgent response soon.

Best Regards

From: F****

To: Dr. Peter H. Franz

Subject: RE:Podedovanje

Dear Mr. Franz,

I see no issue with continuing this correspondence in English, if you prefer.

Having said that, first and foremost, apologies for the late reply. I have unfortunately been very busy fighting the coronavirus (by which I mean I have been playing a game on the Internet where one can battle a large, tattooed, muscular man, an anthropomorphised version of SARS-CoV-2).

Back to the matter at hand.

Allow me to begin by saying I am indeed none too pleased about your unsolicited letters. Be that as it may, I am in a generous mood today and have decided to give you a chance, however please beware that I have eliminated countless people for far lesser infractions (where by "eliminated" I mean excluded from consideration or further participation).

I am likewise somewhat skeptical that your scheme will work. Do not misunderstand: I am more than willing to obtain the money as you suggested. However, I have tried fleeces before (where by "fleeces" I mean coats made of soft warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep's wool) and I must say they are not quite my style.

Regardless, here are the details you requested:

Telephone Number: No! Do not even get me started on 5G.
Nationality: Slovenian
Age: 45
Occupation: Headhunter

(Where by "headhunter" I mean a person who collects the heads of slain enemies as trophies.)

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

From: Dr. Peter H. Franz

To: F****

[No reply]

Disclaimer: The initial email in this chain was actually not sent to me but rather to my brother. Knowing my penchants for wasting spammers' time he was gracious enough to pass the torch to me. In some of the emails the spammer addresses my brother by his full name. Those instances have been redacted.