Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


From: WhatsApp Inc.

From: Octavius

To: WhatsApp Inc.



I received an email informing me that: "Your number has been luckily selected as the winner of $750,000 USD(Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars)". You were correct, I do indeed feel very luckily selected right about now.

Here is my winning number: WHAP-US/U670.

And rest assured: I will keep this message secret until the day I die.

Best regards,
Octavius Vespertine

From: WhatsApp Inc.

To: Octavius


Dear Sir/Madam,

We congratulate you once again for winning the *WHATS-APP* International balloting award programme.

Your Mobile Number has been selected among the five lucky-winners of the *WHATS-APP* programme, USA for Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.

This is a reward program for the patronage of internet services, all participants were selected randomly from worldwide mobile number Directories, and your mobile number appears on the WHATS-APP INC machine as the winner of the 2021  WHATS-APP INC yearly promotional Award Prize of Seven hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars USD 750,000 United States Dollars.

This promotion is part of the financial empowerment program of the WHATS-APP INC  in its struggle to alleviate poverty.

This promotional programme is being promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities in the person of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. With the support of  WHATS-APP Founder: , Jan Koum and Brian Acton and other corporate companies and organizations in the United States to encourage the use of computer systems worldwide.

Full Name:.


Contact Mobile Number:.






Prize Amount:.

Above is the information needed from you, please fill in your information as requested and return it back for verification and payment of your won prize fund. Please provide the required information as soon as possible to enable the paying bank to commence your payment before the last remittance date. the bank commences your payment before the last remittance date. the bank commences your payment before the last remittance date.
Best Regards,
WhatsApp Inc.
Menlo Park, US (HQ)
1601 Willow Rd
-- -- --

From: Octavius

To: WhatsApp Inc.



this has been a truly intoxicating day for me. Yet having read your reply, I grow ever more amazed.

Not only was I amongst the five people favoured by the luck of the draw - I have since spoken to two of my acquaintances, themselves users of "WHATS-APP" and they have also received your message. Incredible! Two out of five fortunate winners reside within modest driving distance of myself, another fortunate winner. I do declare!

You say this promotion is part of a programme which aims to alleviate poverty. I unreservedly salute such a lofty aim. And may I say, Mr. Zuckerberg has devised a truly ingenious strategy to accomplish this task. Awarding this prize to three (or more) middle-class Europeans is precisely the way to go about this. With this money, I will be able to afford a very ostentatious new convertible, for instance. When my envious countrymen gaze upon it, many thoughts may arise in their minds but rest assured: thinking I am poor shall not be among them.

Now, I can already hear the voices of the sanctimonious lovers of the indigent out there crying crocodile tears over some misguided notion of improper resource allocation. "Why, oh why," they will exclaim, "would you give so much money to the people well beyond the poverty line when you could give it to the children in Africa who are dying from starvation?" I strongly urge you not to yield to these emotional terrorists. They are the vampires of joy who will stop at nothing to excoriate anyone able to afford more than two meals a day but refuses to donate every additional penny of their hard-earned pay to help end the supposed suffering of the slave labourers toiling in the Sub-Saharan mines excavating iPhones or whatever they do over there (I am not an expert).

Those are the same people, by the way, who were nowhere to be found when I myself was on the brink of destitution.

Just a few short years ago I was attending college for my Bachelor of Arts Degree. The programme was highly emotionally draining and the courses extremely expensive. My comrades and I teetered on the edge of sanity. We needed something to release the tension or we would not make it. Rapidly approaching the proverbial end of my rope, having completely exhausted my bank account and all my credit cards, I realized there was only one course of action left. I gathered all the patience I could muster, swallowed my pride, and called my parents. After an excruciating fifteen minutes, I managed to convince them to wire me the money for a vacation house on the beach where my classmates and I could blow off some steam.

I will never forget that humiliation and, more importantly, the utter lack of compassion and support I received from the self-proclaimed "charitable organizations" before I had to resort to drastic measures. I also learned an extremely valuable, if painful lesson. Do you know why these faux-philanthropists are always so eager to render aid to the people of Africa yet shamelessly avert their gaze when someone like me is in need of assistance? It is because of the color of my skin.

There. I said it.

Regardless, please find the information requested dutifully provided below:

Full Name: Octavius Vespertine
Country: Monaco
Contact Mobile Number: +377-655-5641-701
Nationality: Monégasque
Address: 186, Route du Mont Agel | 06320, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Maritime Alps, Nica, La Turbie | Monaco
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Occupation: Artiste
Prize Amount: 1,750,000.00 USD

I realize the Prize Amount is not exactly the amount you listed no less than five times by now. However, it is my policy to ask, just in case. One is rarely given what one does not ask for. Regardless, feel free to scale back the prize amount to its original value.

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Octavius Vespertine

From: WhatsApp Inc.

To: Octavius


Dear Whats-App Winner

Congratulations to you once again from the desk of the Whats-App Ballot Promotion Team.

We wish to officially inform you that your application has now been approved for payment, we congratulate you once again for emerging a winner of USD 750,000.00 USD ( Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars). Whats-App Corporation organized these promotional offers in order to give back to the society for their contentious support and patronage towards the growth of Whats-App. We also thank you for being a part of our community, and helping to connect the world free.

We are sending this message to inform you that your claim process has now been completed, and your winning VISA CARD amounting to the sum of USD 750,000.00 USD (Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) has been issued to Olive Bank PLC Turkey. For immediate delivery to you.

Your won prize fund  was issued by our correspondent bank in Turkey where your winning ballot numbers fall for payment. Please take note of this enclosed number ( REF NO: WHAP-US/U670) and contact the bank  immediately via the contact details below to enable them proceed with the delivery:

Note: When contacting the bank, you are to send your complete delivery address and contact telephone numbers to the bank to enable them honor  your request on time.
Congratulations to you once again.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us, We would be happy to help.

Best Regard,
WhatsApp Inc.
Menlo Park, US (HQ)
1601 Willow Rd

From: Octavius

To: WhatsApp Inc.


Dear WhatsApp Inc,

very well.

Best regards,

From: Octavius

To: Info

Subject: CLAIMING MY PRIZE, cont'd

Greetings Mr. or Mrs. Info,

I was instructed by "Whats-App" to send you this email.

As they have mentioned - about nine times - in two emails by now I shall soon be a proud owner of newly minted (I presume) "USD 750,000.00 USD (Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars)".

As instructed, I am giving you this number: WHAP-US/U670. The people who sent me to you implicitly indicated that you will know what it means (how very exciting - I almost feel as if we are doing something nefarious!).

I hope we can get this sorted as efficiently as possible. Who knows, we may become friends along the way. Perhaps even... lovers?

I am eager to hear back from you.

Best regards,
Octavius Vespertine

From: Ahmet Gul

To: Octavius

Subject: RE:CLAIMING MY PRIZE, cont'd

Dear Sir/Madam

We have received your application form and winning information as the legal beneficiary from WhatsApp Promotion Team in America

However, be informed that according to payment instructions from WhatsApp team, you are to be paid by an ATM Visa or Master Debit Card valued {Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States dollars}

Finally, to avoid any Miss-identification during the remittance process you have to furnish us with your complete and correct information below to enable us to issue an ATM Visa Master Card correctly in your name.

- Name:
- City & Post:
- Address:
- Country:
- Contact Phone Number:
Any form of identification {Optional}

We expedite your response

Yours Faithfully,
Ahmet Gul
(Foreign Remittance manager).

From: Octavius

To: Ahmet Gul

Subject: RE:CLAIMING MY PRIZE, cont'd

Dear Mr. Gul,

apologies for my tardy reply. I have recently become dreadfully acquainted with our wretched contemporary plague. The way it decided to manifest itself within me was primarily in the form of perpetual weariness. This made it very hard keep all my commitments. Between daily household chores, taking a break from my studies at the university, and my famous daily banquets with my friends and neighbours, something unfortunately had to give. Our correspondence was therefore put on hold.

But fear not! While I might not be quite myself yet, I am feeling better and can therefore attend to our conversation once again. Besides, the number of guests at my banquets has decreased over the past two weeks for some strange reason which leaves me not quite as depleted the next day.

Back to it then, shall we?

Please find the information requested below.

Name: Octavius Vespertine
Address, City & Post, Country: 186, Route du Mont Agel | 06320, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Maritime Alps, Nica, La Turbie | Monaco
Contact Phone Number +377-655-5641-701 (Please be advised that I shall ignore any calls from numbers outside my address book.)
Any form of identification {Optional}: Well... if it is optional then you shall not have it.

Best regards,

From: Ahmet Gul

To: Octavius

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